Sunday, November 2

Classroom Wiki

This week the students have been using a wiki to create a study guide for our upcoming (date TBD) test. If you haven't used on before, a wiki is a webpage that can be edited by anyone with access. In our case, only students (and I) have access to the page. Input on my part is minimal; I put up two bullet points and a video about using the interface, and they did the rest. I just check every day to make sure that what they write is scientifically accurate and Calvert School appropriate.
Some students have made lots of contributions; they're wiki all-stars. Some have made small ones, like leaving a comment. But more than half of the class has given some sort of input thus far.
Over the course of 2 days students began a process that they will be using for the rest of their lives. They're working collaboratively to create the best document possible. Sure, there have been setbacks: there is a currently a great debate raging on which color font should be used. One student mentioned that if you don't add important information to the study guide, you shouldn't get to change the color. I agree. But our students are working it out amongst themselves.

I couldn't be more proud.

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